Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is Heading Our Way...

... and I don't know about you but it always makes me think I need to get busy with spring cleaning!  It seems the feeling is valid and stems from age old customs and traditions.  There's a Jewish custom of a complete cleaning with the coming of Passover.  It was forbidden for them to have any foods in the house that were leavened so a thorough cleansing was done in preparation.  In Orthodox nations it was traditional to clean before Easter, cleaning homes along with a cleansing of souls.  March was a good month during previous centuries in European and North American countries to open windows without the onslaught of bugs.  It stands to reason it was the best time to thoroughly dust and take things outside to get rid of the winter ashes and smells... a freshening. 

Well, ready or not, here it comes!  And here is a website that will help... Marla Cilley started after getting help with home organizational skills and has been expanding on and teaching others how ever since.  Some of us need a lot of help and some of us just a bit of tweaking.  Whether you have a newborn, older children, work an outside job, are on your own, the information freely given on this website will help whether you dive in or begin with baby steps.  It's hard finding time in our busy schedules, but do this for yourself... get this part of your life organized and begin to enjoy the benefits of spring year round! 

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