Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Keepsakes You Can Make

There are a few things that are worth taking time for and if you're a crafter and new mother, maybe a little time can be spared for one of these 1st Christmas projects or maybe these will spark some ideas of your own.

Hand made or store bought, baby's first Christmas ornament is always a treasure
Here are a few ideas...

Find the how-to here.

How-to here.

How-to here.

How-to here.

How-to here.

We've Said It Before.....

TV Watching is Bad for Baby's Brain
read this article to find out why

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bassett Crib Recall

And the crib is supposed to be one of the safest places to put your baby
See the recall at the Consumer Products Safety Commission website

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

TLC Newborn - How Do You Do What You Do?

TLC Newborn is a Success by Six Initiative
funded by the United Way of Indian River County
in collaboration with
the Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition
and the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners through the Children's Services Advisory Committee. 

Additional funding is provided through Generous Contributions from the Community - Beachside 1/2 Marathon, Dancing With Vero's Stars, "in kind" gifts and donations/grants for individual projects or programs. 

TLC services are available to ALL residents of Indian River County who have a baby less than 12 months of age.  Our staff consists of five Family Associates who are available to provide up to date, evidence based information regarding baby care as well as infant development and safety.  In addition we are all Certified Lactation Counselors who are qualified to assist families in their desire to breastfeed. 

We thank our funders for their ongoing support of TLC Newborn and if you love the services we provide, we encourage you to thank them too.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Could It Be the Formula?

Here at TLC, there have been quite a few phone conversations over the years about infant formula and the effects it's believed to have on a baby's digestion.  Parents want their babies to be content and happy so when they seem to be experiencing pain, they become (understandably) worried.  Then begins the search to stop it!  Here's a good article to read before you change the formula... again....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crib Information Center

Sadly we are faced with too many crib, play yard, walker, bassinet, stroller, high chair recalls to keep track of by ourselves.  Fortunately The Consumer Products Safety Commission has it all organized for us.  Please check their website for an up to date, organized presentation of baby equipment recalls.  Names, manufacturers, model numbers, pictures - it's all there.  Check on the equipment your baby is using at your house, Grandma's house, day care or church to see if any of it has been recalled because of questions about its safety.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fish For Your Health


Pregnant or nursing women who eat fish that is high in omega-3 fatty acids will pass these nutrients to their babies and support healthy brain and eye development.

How Much Fish to Eat?
Health experts recommend that women eat 8-12 ounces per week and children (ages 2-6) eat 2 ounces per week. Three ounces of fish is about the size of a deck of cards.

Best Choices (Lowest in Mercury and Highest in Fats)
Eating as little as 6 ounces per week of these fish provides the recommended amount of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
anchovy, herring, mackerel (Atlantic, jack, chub), rainbow trout (farm raised), salmon (wild or farm raised), sardine, shad (American), whitefish.

Excessive mercury can pass through the placenta or mother's milk and harm your baby.  Do not eat fish from the high mercury category.  If you eat 4 ounces from the moderate category, don't eat any more fish from this category until the next week.

Lowest Mercury Contamination (12 ounces per week)
catfish (farm raised), clam, cod, crab, flatfish (flounder, plaice, sole), haddock, herring, mackerel (Atlantic, jack, chub), mullet, oyseter (cooked), pollock, rainbow trout (farm raised), salmon (wild or farm raised), sardine, scallop, shrimp, squid, tilapia, tuna (canned Skipjack or Light), whitefish. 

Moderate Mercury Contamination (4 ounces per week)
bass (saltwater, black), buffalo fish, carp, grouper, halibut, lobster (northern, Maine, Atlantic), mahi mahi (Dolphin-fish), perch (freshwater), Pompano (Florida), sablefish, sea trout (weakfish), snapper, Spanish mackerel (S. Atlantic), tilefish (Atlantic), tuna (canned Albacore, Yellowfin, or White), white croaker (Pacific).

High Mercury/PCB Contamination (Do Not Eat)
bass (striped), bluefish, Chilean sea bass, golden snapper, jack (Amberjack, Crevalle), king mackerel, marlin, orange roughy, sea lamprey, shark, Spanish mackerel (Gulf of Mexico), swordfish, tilefish (Gulf of Mexico), tuna (all fresh or frozen), walleye (Great Lakes)

Do Not Eat Raw Fish
When pregnant, avoid eating raw oysters, raw fish (sushi) or refrigerated smoked fish.  Do not feed raw fish to infants or children.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sum-Sum-Summertime Sunscreen Tips

In Florida, we may use sunscreen throughout the year, but now it's a must.  Summer is coming quickly and carrying a bottle of sunscreen everywhere just follows along with the air conditioners kicking on full-time. 

Having fun in the sun with baby is a wonderful experience... but the joy quickly diminishes when a baby suffers with sunburn.  Older children need to be protected too... and don't forget about yourself!

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has okayed the use of sunscreen for babies under 6 months in minimal amounts on the face and neck and back of hands BUT advises that these young ones be kept in the shade instead if at all possible.  Their skin is thinner and the protective tanning response hasn't kicked in yet.

Here's a couple of links for quick reading to be sunscreen savvy this summer:

Now go have fun!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Much TV Watching Is Your Toddler Doing?

Children who are exposed to more hours of TV at 29 months of age appear to have more problems in school and poorer health behaviors in 4th grade according to a JAMA article released May 3, 2010.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Camp Chrysalis

Mother's Day Coffee

Attention First Time Moms!
TLC Newborn Invites You!
It's a Mother's Day Celebration
honoring first time mothers. 
All TLC Family Associates will be there. 
Bring your baby and join us Saturday, May 1. 
Space is limited so call TLC at 772-794-7484
to reserve your spot.  Can't wait to see you there!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rethink Using A Baby Walker?

What makes mobile baby walkers dangerous?  Experts say their very design helps kids move easily - often much too easily.  About three million baby walkers are sold in the US each year and thousands of babies have ended up in emergency departments as a result of injuries that are directly related to their use.  They are generally used in the 2-4 month period after a child can sit up and before he can walk without assistance.  But by giving a child added height, a walker suddenly brings him within reach of hazards such as boiling pots, electric irons and unprotected electrical cords.  And kids in walkers travel so fast - three or four feet a second - that even the most attentive parents may not be able to avert disaster.

The length of time your baby spends in a walker determines how prone he or she is to accidents. In general, the risk of accidents increases in kids who spend an hour or more a day in them.  Babies in walkers plummet down stairs, turn over in walkers that are snagged by cords, door thresholds and carpet edges, roll themselves against hot wood stoves and heaters, fall over concrete curbs or tumble into swimming pools.  Parents should be particularly wary of old style x-frame walkers that are still being sold in garage sales.  these designs have been responsible for many injuries, including a finger amputation when a baby's hand got caught in the closing x-joint of the frame - such models should be discarded.

Parents often purchase a walker in the belief that it will help their child walk sooner.  50% of walker buyers had this impression but the facts say otherwise.  As it turns out, walkers interfere with learning to walk. In addition to decreasing the desire to walk by providing an easier alternative, walkers strengthen the wrong muscles. The lower legs are strengthened, but the upper legs and hips become relatively weak. and it is the upper legs and hips that are most important for walking. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages anyone from using a mobile baby walker and has even gone so far as to call for a ban on their sale in the US.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Who Knew?

Cavity causing bacteria can pass from mom to baby through the transfer of saliva, such as sharing utensils, blowing on food, and yes even kissing that sweet little bundle of joy on the mouth.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring is Heading Our Way...

... and I don't know about you but it always makes me think I need to get busy with spring cleaning!  It seems the feeling is valid and stems from age old customs and traditions.  There's a Jewish custom of a complete cleaning with the coming of Passover.  It was forbidden for them to have any foods in the house that were leavened so a thorough cleansing was done in preparation.  In Orthodox nations it was traditional to clean before Easter, cleaning homes along with a cleansing of souls.  March was a good month during previous centuries in European and North American countries to open windows without the onslaught of bugs.  It stands to reason it was the best time to thoroughly dust and take things outside to get rid of the winter ashes and smells... a freshening. 

Well, ready or not, here it comes!  And here is a website that will help... Marla Cilley started after getting help with home organizational skills and has been expanding on and teaching others how ever since.  Some of us need a lot of help and some of us just a bit of tweaking.  Whether you have a newborn, older children, work an outside job, are on your own, the information freely given on this website will help whether you dive in or begin with baby steps.  It's hard finding time in our busy schedules, but do this for yourself... get this part of your life organized and begin to enjoy the benefits of spring year round! 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weird Things Babies Do

Seven seemingly odd (yet normal)
from finding themselves funny
to shaking and hiccups

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby Sling Concerns

You don't have to stop "wearing" your baby.  Just be aware of the dangers and use your well developed mommy common sense.  Baby upright and tummy to tummy with mom is the preferred way (wraps might work best for this).  Slings that allow baby to roll up into a chin to chest position have the potential to occlude the airway.  So closeness with the baby is a beautiful nurturing opportunity but be safe about positioning and always protect baby's airway.

News article

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Local Organic Vegetables

For anyone wondering, there is a local certified organic farm vegetable source in the area, Osceola Organics.  For more information go here.

If anyone knows of others in the Indian River County area, please leave the info... thanks!!

Just One More Thing...

Just a reminder, with love, from those who know how fast it goes!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We have our first give-away winner.... Christian Eisert!  We waited a bit past deadline, gathered the names from the fanpage (except ourselves), and had a friend from a different office draw a name... not rocket science but fairly done!

Everyone who joined or joins our fanpage is automatically entered in any upcoming give-aways.  Thanks so much for your participation!  And remember, even though the newsletters we send (in county only) stop at the end of baby's first year... we are still available for those concerns through the toddler years too!  Love you guys!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Read Across America

FEBRUARY 27, 9-11am

Monday, February 22, 2010

Our First Give-Away!!

Fresh warm breads, sticky buns, coffees, teas.... healthy soups and salads!!  Panera Bread has so much to choose from to satisfy tastebuds and warm tummies!!  SO... our first give-away is going to be a $25 gift card from Panera Bread!!  For a chance to win the card, just go to our Facebook Fanpage (link below, in title, and in the sidebar) and become a fan!  A winner will be chosen from the fans on March 1st.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Brain Abnormality Linked to SIDS

Infants who die of sudden infant death syndrome have abnormalities in the brain stem - part of the brain that controls heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, temperature and arousal.  Innate differences in a specific part of the brain may place some infants at increased risk for SIDS.

Monday, February 1, 2010

2010 Census - Your Chance to Be Counted

Click here to read a fact sheet about the 2010 census.

Click here to read some history and frequently asked questions about the census.

Click here to find out how $400 billion per year is in our hands.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition Community Survey

If you are an Indian River County Florida resident,
fill out our community survey and enter to win a $100 Simon gift card!
Click here to take the survey now!
Indian River Healthy Start Coalition

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Glimpse of Dance

Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition Presents
“A Glimpse of Dance"
Prelude to Dancing with Vero’s Stars

Did you miss last year's wildly popular inaugural Dancing with Vero's Stars?  Are you excited to meet this year's Star Dancers?  Do you like to "cut a rug"?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are invited to attend Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition's "A Glimpse of Dance."
"A Glimpse of Dance" - a prelude dance party to Dancing with Vero's Stars is a special event being held on Thursday, February 4, 2010 from 6:30-9:00 pm at Holy Cross Catholic Church Parish Hall.  Glimpse is a way for people to dance the night away, meet the new 2010 Star Dancers and enjoy professional dance performances from last year.  Hors d' oeuvres will be served along with a cash bar.  Tickets are $40 each or $70 for two.
The Healthy Start Coalition and their community partners have pregnancy and postpartum services that support a healthier future for moms, babies and the families.  Proceeds from this event will benefit Healthy Start Coalition programs and services (TLC Newborn is one!).  For more information and exciting sponsorship opportunities, call 772-563-9118.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Breastfeeding Rocks for Moms

Pregnancy and Oral Health

Did you know the health of your teeth and gums plays an important role in the health and well being of your unborn baby?  Daily brushing and flossing is always important but it is particularly so during pregnancy.  Bacteria from your mouth can actually travel through your bloodstream to the placenta and begin colonizing there.  So put regular flossing and brushing on your daily schedule to protect your health and that of your baby.  Click here to see the complete article.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Tax Time and Help is Available!


(Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)


What could you do with $5,657?

• If you earned under $43,279 and have three or more qualifying children, OR

• If you earned under $40,295 and have two qualifying children, OR

• If you earned under $35,463 and have one qualifying child, OR

• If you earned under $13,440 and have no qualifying children

get your taxes filed free and claim your EITC and CTC for as far back as 2007


If your income was $49,000 or less in 2009 you can get your taxes filed for free




United Way Indian River County, Mondays & Wednesdays plus Wed. evenings
phone 567-8900 ext.20 for appointment

EOC of IRC (hablan espanol), Tuesdays, phone 569-1030 for appointment

North IRC Library, Sebastian, Tuesdays 9am – 12 noon, plus alt. Tues. 5pm – 8pm

Fellsmere City Hall (hablan espanol), Thursdays 9am – 3pm

RCMA , Fridays 1pm – 4:30pm

Graco Recalls 1.5 Million Strollers

The recall was prompted by a finger amputation risk involving the stroller's canopy hinge. 
This follows a recall of nearly 1 million Maclaren strollers last November for the same problem.  Follow this link for complete information.

Cell Phones and Driving Don't Mix

Whether you are texting, making a call or accepting a call while you are driving you are much more likely to be involved in a wreck.  It's not a coordination thing, it's a brain thing.  People are just not capable of focusing on driving to the degree necessary to remain safe and competent if they are focusing somewhere else.  It's just not possible.  Please follow the link to learn first hand from the people involved in tragic accidents caused by a mere moment of inattention.  See why distracted driving ranks with chemically impaired driving when it comes to likelihood of being involved in an accident.

600,000 Cribs Recalled

20 models of Dorel-Asia cribs with drop side as well as fixed side rails sold through Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Sears and others have been recalled due to the death of a 6 month old child in Iowa. Side rail connecting hardware failed and the baby became entrapped between the mattress and the rail.
Please follow this link to read the full story and learn how you can get the repair kit if you or someone you know is using one of these cribs